Applying for Housing & Meal Plans

We’re excited that you’ve decided to join us here in Cougar Country! Your next step in the journey is to apply for on-campus housing.
Anyone seeking on-campus housing will submit a housing reservation deposit and provide us with crucial information about who you are so that we can help you transition into our residential communities.

If you experience any problems logging into myChatham, please contact the IT HelpDesk at 412-365-1112 or email Students who are having any difficulty accessing the housing application, please email the Office of Residence Life.

Deposit & Deadline

Applicants will pay the $150.00 housing reservation deposit within the online housing application. If you are unable to pay online, please email Residence Life for assistance.

We are asking all incoming students to complete their housing application by the May 1st priority consideration deadline. Completing an application by this deadline will guarantee you housing on-campus and you will receive your housing and roommate assignment by Mid-June.

Housing Application Overview

Your housing application will tell us a lot about you so that we can help you become an engaged member of our community. We will ask for important information about you through some lifestyle questions within the roommate questionnaire and for certain demographic information. You will also create an online profile for roommate matching and be offered the chance to apply for one of our three Living Learning Communities (LLCs).

Before applying for housing, students will need to access myChatham using their username and password. The first time a student logs in they will be required to set up their Multifactor Authenticator. This security feature that enables you to access email and myChatham services from off-campus. If students encounter any issues logging in to myChatham, please contact the IT HelpDesk at 412-365-1112 or by email at
After you have access to myChatham, students apply for housing and meal plan through the StarRez Housing Portal located on myChatham > myTOOLS > Student Housing. During the application process, students are required to submit a $150.00 Housing Deposit utilizing a credit card (individuals who can’t pay with credit card must contact the Office of Residence Life at to receive instructions on how to make payment by check or cash before starting the application process).
To apply for housing, complete the following steps:
  • Login to myChatham (if you can’t log in to myChatham contact the IT HelpDesk at 412-365-1112 or email
  • Select myTOOLS
  • Select the Student Housing button
  • Follow all on-screen instructions 
Please email the Office of Residence Life if you have questions or call 412-365-1518.

As you prepare to apply for housing, please keep the following in mind: 

Priority Consideration Deadline

Don’t forget to apply for housing by May 1. Students who complete their housing application by May 1 will be placed into housing first and receive notification of their housing and roommate assignment (if applicable) by Mid-June. After May 1, all students who complete their housing application by June 1 are guaranteed housing, but will not receive this information until Mid-July. Anyone applying after June 1 will not be guaranteed housing on-campus and will be placed on a housing wait list to be assigned when and if space becomes available.

Roommate Questionnaire

Please answer this accurately! Unless you select a roommate, we will use the answers you provide to match you with roommates. Students can request a specific roommates within the application or conduct their own roommate search outside of the portal. 

Roommate Requests

All roommate requests must be submitted through your housing application by May 15. Roommate requests must be mutual, which means if someone requests you as a roommate you will need to login to accept the request. Requests will only be valid if all roommates request and accept each other. Chatham University tries it best to assign all roommates together based on their requests, however roommate requests will be based on space and availability of multiple occupancy rooms.

Living Learning Communities

We maintain three (3) Living Learning Communities (LLCs) at Chatham University. You have the option to apply for an LLC when you complete your housing application. LLC applicants will answer several brief questions in order to be considered for LLC placement. The priority consideration deadline for LLCs is May 15.

The on-campus living experience is vital to the growth and development of the whole student. All students who have completed less than four terms of college/university are required to reside in on-campus housing for their first two years on campus. 
Exceptions to the residency policy include:
  • Students who plan to live with parent(s), legal guardians, or adult relatives in the greater Pittsburgh area (within 30 miles of campus). 
  • Students who are 21 years or older and have been out of school for a year or more living independently from their parent(s) and/or legal guardians.
  • Students who transferred from another college or university and have already complete four terms at their previous institution.  
  • Students who have a prescription for medical marijuana are exempt from the residency requirement pursuant to the University’s Medical Marijuana Policy.
Students requesting to be exempt from the residency status based on the criteria listed above must request to register as a commuter by completing the Application for Commuter Student Status. Any student requesting to be exempt for another extenuating reason can submit the formal request through the Application for Commuter Student Status. Please note, exemption requests beyond those listed above are rarely approved and will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If you have any questions, please email